Voice: Send

This node is used to send messages to customers using any channel that is configured within the service. As the configuration of each channel differs, the options available will depend on the selected channel.

The number of exit events available and the appearance will depend on the configuration options for this node.

Node exit events

The options of send node are:

Exit eventDescription
onsuccessThis event is triggered if the node completes successfully.
onsubmitThis event is triggered when the message is submitted to the channel gateway.
ondrsuccessThis event is triggered when a Delivery Report is received from the channel gateway.
onpolicysuccessThis event is triggered if Policy check is successful.
onreadThis event is triggered if the read event is received before the specified timeout and the Wait For field is set to 'Read'
ontimeoutThis event is triggered if a configured timeout is reached.
ondrfailThis event is triggered when the message failed to deliver it to the recipient.
onpolicyfailThis event is triggered if the Policy check fails. Error code and description:7120 - This error code appears when the payload size exceeds 5Kb.
onerrorThis event is triggered if an error occurs.

Node specific configuration

The Node specific configuration is accessed by double-clicking on the node.





A value or Session Data variable used to do perform a user profile lookup in order to access all possible channels associated with the user.

This should correspond with the Destination Type field.

Destination Type

This parameter specifies the destination type of the information entered in the Destination parameter.

This list below shows supported values for the Destination Type parameter:

  • Customer Id
  • msidn
  • Twitter Id
  • PS Id
  • Wechat Id
  • Android Push Id
  • iOS Pus Id

Message Type

Choice are:

  • Media
  • FlowID
FlowIDYou can run any other voice flow from this node. Select the Flow ID from the drop-down.
MediaSelect the voice file from the drop-down. The voice file should have been uploaded through Tools > VOICE MEDIA.
senderidThe available senderid numbers are displayed. Select the number you want to identify the call from the drop-down.


Custom parameter payload passed to voice workflows should be limited to 5kb.

Properties / Params configuration


NameThe name of the node represented as a string.
A node can be renamed by changing the contents of the Label field.


Session DataThe Session Data shortcut leads to the Session Data / Custom Logs configuration.Session Data can set one or more Session Params upon entering or leaving the node.Custom Logs can record one or more Session Params upon entering or leaving the node. This is useful for debugging purposes.