The following enumerations are used in IMIconnect iOS SDK.
- ICLogType
- ICLogTarget
- ICConnectionStatus
- ICErrorCode
- ICMessageChannel
- ICMessageType
- ICThreadType
- ICMessageSynchronizationMode
- ICMessageStatus
- ICThreadstatus
This enumeration exposes enumeration data with type of logs that will be logged.
Value | Description |
ICLogTypeNone | No log will be displayed/recorded. |
ICLogTypeDebug | A large amount of logs will be logged that can help to debug. |
ICLogTypeProduction | Logs will be kept at a minimum level. |
This enumeration represents the target on which the logs will be displayed or recorded.
Value | Description |
ICLogTargetConsole | Logs will be displayed in the console. |
ICLogTargetFile | Logs will be recorded in a file. |
This enumeration describes different connection status between the SDK and the Real Time Messaging server.
Value | Description |
ICConnectionStatusNone | No connection attempt has been made. |
ICConnectionStatusConnecting | The SDK is attempting to establish a connection with Real Time Messaging server. |
ICConnectionStatusConnected | The SDK is connected and allows you to publish and receive messages. |
ICConnectionStatusRefused | The connection is refused by the Real Time Messaging server. |
ICConnectionStatusClosed | The SDK is disconnected from the Real Time Messaging server. |
ICConnectionStatusError | A connection error has occurred while connecting to Real Time Messaging server. |
This enumeration describes different error codes of the SDK.
Value | Description |
ICErrorCodeNotInitialized | Returned when trying to access a feature without initializing the SDK. |
ICErrorCodeAlreadyInitialized | Returned when trying to initialize the SDK when it is already initialized. |
ICErrorCodeNotRegistered | Returned when trying to access a feature without registering a user. |
ICErrorCodeFeatureNotSupported | Returned when trying to access a feature that is not supported by the app. |
ICErrorCodeInvalidParameterValue | Returned when a required parameter is not passed or an invalid value has been passed to a method. |
ICErrorCodeNotConnected | Returned when trying to communicate with the RTM server without establishing a connection. |
ICErrorCodeRegistrationFailure | Returned when a registration is failed. |
ICErrorCodeInvalidResponse | Returned when a response from the server is invalid. |
ICErrorCodeTokenInvalid = 38 | The token is not in the expected format. |
ICErrorCodeTokenUnauthorized = 39 | The token does not provide authorization to access the requested resource. |
ICErrorCodeTokenExpired = 40 | The token has expired. |
ICErrorCodeTokenRequired = 41 | The token is required. |
This enumeration describes the supported message channels.
Value | Description |
ICMessageChannelPush | The incoming message comes from Push notification channel. |
ICMessageChannelRealTime | The incoming message comes from Real Time Messaging channel. |
This enumeration describes the message types.
Value | Description |
ICMessageTypeBasic | A standard non-interactive message. |
ICMessageTypeInteractive | A message that contains pre-built out-of-the-box interactive elements. This type of message typically causes actions to occur on the device in response to notification buttons. |
ICMessageTypeAlert | Message data is alert from connect platform. |
ICMessageTypeDeliveryReceipt | Message data is a DeliveryReceipt, TransactionId is available and can be used to match the receipt to the original message. |
ICMessageTypeMessage | Standard Push or RTM. |
ICMessageTypeNotification | Represents the notification part of an RTM. |
ICMessageTypeReadReceipt | Message data is a ReadReceipt, only TransactionId is available and can be used to match the receipt to the original message. |
ICMessageTypeRepublish | Message is a republish of a MO, all data from the original message is available. |
ICMessageTypeTypingStart | Message data is a TypingStart from connect platform end. |
ICMessageTypeTypingStop | Message data is a TypingStop from connect platform end. |
Message field could be null for below message types:
Value | Description |
ICThreadTypeConversation | The thread is a conversation, the users can send messages on this thread. |
ICThreadTypeAnnouncement | The thread is an announcement thread, the users can only receive messages on this thread. |
Value | Description |
ICMessageSynchronizationModeFull | Synchronization should synchronize all available data. |
ICMessageSynchronizationModeLimited | Synchronization should occur based on policy limits. |
ICMessageSynchronizationModeNone | Synchronization should be disabled. |
Value | Description |
ICMessageStatusNone | None is the default message status. |
ICMessageStatusSent | Message sent successfully to connect platform. |
ICMessageStatusDelivered | Message delivered to the user device. |
ICMessageStatusRead | Message read by the user device. |
Value | Description |
ICThreadStatusActive | The thread is active. The user can receive (and send if the thread type is conversation) messages on this thread |
ICThreadStatusClosed | The thread is closed. The user cannot receive (and send if the thread type is conversation) any messages on this thread |
Updated about 2 years ago