


Assets are elements that are required for channels to work (typical numbers for telecom channels and apps for IP channels).


The apps that can be configured on the IMIconnect platform to send and receive messages (from mobile, email and social messaging platforms)


Channels are a medium through which clients can engage with their customers using assets.

A Channel may include Assets such as shortcodes, longcodes, keywords, and telephone number to provide methods of interaction.


The term customer refers to the end consumers of the client's services on IMIconnect. The customers may use the client’s apps to interact with clients on any of the channels supported by IMIconnect.


The term developer refers to the client developers who build applications using IMIconnect APIs and SDKs. A developer must be registered on IMIconnect with role as a developer.


The term user refers to registered users on the IMIconnect platform. The users may have different roles, they are:

  • Administrator
  • Asset Manager
  • Developer
  • Reports user
customeridThe customerid is a Client specific ID (such as CRN) to uniquely identify a customer.A customer can add or remove communication services (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) which are associated with their customerid.This allows the IMIconnect platform to match the relevant customer communication ID based on the chosen communication service with just the customerid.
Fallback mechanismA set of rules that attempt to carry out a request in sequence.If the first channel in the sequence is not applicable or not available to a customer then the next channel is evaluated.
FlowsFlow is a visual interface to build interactive communications.
IAM PoliciesAWS Identity and Access Management
ServiceA service is a collection of Channels and definitions such as Routes and Templates.
RulesRules are set of configured events to trigger an action/event.
service keyThe service key is required for all API calls to the IMIconnect platform.
TemplatesA template is a pattern used for designing similar message or flow.
Hub secretA value to create a signature for the notification data. This signature is used by the receiving server for verification.
ShortcodeShortcodes are numerical number shorter than mobile numbers( 4 - 7 digit) and differ from one country to other. They are used to send/receive messages.
KeywordsA keyword is a short text that is associated with a Shortcode/longcode.
Phone numberReal-time virtual phone number used for outbound calls, missed call or for inbound services.
(Note: This is also called In-App messaging)
Custome eventsA custom event is an event listener with a user-defined parameter.
Sender IDA Sender ID is meaningful word that represent a brand. The
Notify URL
Smart link
Messaging API
Service dashboardThe service dashboard is a consolidated view of metrics about the service health and number of messages sent and received for the configured channels.
NodesA Node is a discrete function that executes in a flow. Nodes encapsulate an action or a decision to form the basis of a flow
Node EventsA node event is a possible outcome of a node.
DebugDebug provides the sequence of activities in a node and progress details of the flow.
OTPOne Time Password. This password is valid for a short period, generally used for secure login.
Session DataSession data are predefined session parameters for popular channel attributes. If necessary new session parametes can be defined.
session IDA session ID is generated when a flow is created.
Custom Logs.Each Node Session Parameters are logged on Node Entry or Node Exit. Custom log entries are added to flow transaction logs or to Logbook.
Transactional log
Transactional ID
Flow versioning
Live workflowIndicates that the flow is production ready.
Draft workflowIndicates either the flow is incomplete or have errors.
IntegrationsNodes build with third-party APIs (to connect with their respective systems.)
NLP (Node)
NLP Pipeline
Sentiment Analysis
Profanity Filter