API Reference
The IMIconnect UI SDK for iOS builds on the message transport capabilities exposed within the Core SDK through a collection of customisable user interface components. These components may be used to easily integrate a fully featured rich messaging capability within the host application.
The information below serves as a reference and details all of the public classes, interfaces, and methods. A quick start guide is also available.
This view controller leverages the functionality of the lower level components and provides the necessary wiring to combine them into a fully-featured in-app chat experience with minimal code.
The activity supports the display of the user conversation list and provides a means to open them or create new conversations. Selecting a conversation displays the conversation view and allows users to read, compose and send messages.
This component requires that a valid ICMessageStore
instance is set within the Core SDK.
Adaptive Layout
The layout of the view controller adapts to the device display, typically when running on a iPhone the activity will display the conversation list full screen when a conversation is displayed this replaces the conversation list display. Navigating back from the conversation will cause the conversation list to be re-displayed.
When running on an iPad, the layout is split into two sections. The conversation list is shown on the left and the active conversation is shown on the right.
Parameter | Type | Description |
categories | NSMutableArray | The categories that should be displayed to the user while creating a new conversation |
customerDetails | ICCustomerDetails | Refer - ICCustomerDetails class |
avatar | UIImage | The avatar that will be displayed next to every conversation |
Displays a list of conversations for the current user and a floating action button for creating a new conversation; use this view controller when you wish to integrate a conversation list within your own layouts.
The view controller does not open or create new conversations directly; instead, events are raised through the ICConversationsViewControllerDelegate
and it is your responsibility to write the code in response to those events if you are not using ICConversationSplitViewController
Message data is lazily loaded from a local ICMessageStore
and remotely from the IMIconnect backend services. To achieve the best possible user experience, it is recommended that you configure an appropriate message synchronisation policy within the Core SDK in order to pre-fetch data.
This component loads data from ICMessageStore
and therefore requires that a valid instance is set within the Core SDK, please refer to ICMessagingStore
If you are not using ICConversationSplitViewController
, you must implement the ICConversationsViewControllerDelegate
delegate | ICConversationsViewControllerDelegate | The delegate of the ICConversationsViewController |
avatar | UIImage | The avatar that will be displayed next to each conversation |
| Reloads the whole conversation list |
Responding to events
Whenever a user selects a conversation or taps the create conversation button, the appropriate event will be raised through the ICConversationsViewControllerDelegate interface.
| Invoked when a user selects a conversation within the view controller. Conversations are represented by an ICThread object, please refer to the Core SDK documentation for details. Typically, you will use the id within ICThread to open the conversation. |
| Invoked when a user taps the create conversation button. You are responsible for creating the new thread and displaying the conversation UI to the user. If you have multiple contact points you may wish to consider using ICConversationCategoryViewController as an easy way to present these.Use the ICMessaging createThread method within the Core SDK to create a new thread, please refer to the Core SDK documentation for more information. |
This component displays a list of a conversations that are provided via the dataSource
This component displays a list of a conversations that are provided via the dataSource
inboxDataSource | id | See ICInboxTableViewDataSource description |
inboxDelegate | id | See ICInboxTableViewDelegate |
cellFactory | ICMessageTableViewCellFactory | See ICMessageTableViewCellFactory description |
selectedIndexes | NSMutableArray | The selected indexes |
backgroundColor | UIColor | The table view background color |
| Reloads the inbox display. |
| Adds a messagePartViewFactory instance in the list of all messagePartViewFactories
| Enables the multiple row selection |
| Scrolls to a message in the inbox |
Contains the methods needed to populate the ICInboxTableView with some data
| Tells the data source to return the number of messages that will be displayed in the inbox table view |
| Asks the data source the message data that will be represented by the cell |
| Asks the data source the message part that will be displayed for a message data |
| Tells the data source to return the number of unread messages for the cell |
| Tells the data source to display the unread indicator |
| Asks the data source to provide the avatar a specified message |
Contains the methods needed to handle an event on the ICInboxTableView.
| Asks the data source for the height to use for a message cell in a specified location. |
| Tells the delegate that a message has been selected |
| Tells the delegate that a message has been deleted |
This component is a concrete implementation of the ICMessageTableViewCell.
dateFont | UIFont | The font of the date label |
dateTextColor | UIColor | The text color of the date label |
badgeFont | UIFont | The font of the badge label |
badgeTextColor | UIColor | The text color of the badge |
badgeBackgroundColor | UIColor | The background color of the badge |
badgeCornerRadius | CGFloat | The corner radius of the badge |
unreadMessageFont | UIFont | The unread message font |
unreadMessageTextColor | UIColor | The unread message text color |
unreadDateFont | UIFont | The unread date font |
unreadDateTextColor | UIColor | The unread date text color |
readMessageFont | UIFont | The read message font |
readMessageTextColor | UIColor | The read message text color |
titleFont | UIFont | The read message font |
titleTextColor | UIColor | The read message text color |
containerTextColor | UIColor | The container text color |
This factory has the responsibility to create all the table view cells that will be displayed in the inbox.
-(NSString )reuseIdentifierForMessageData:(id)messageData fromMessageParts:(NSArray )messageParts :(NSDictionary *)messagePartViewFactories | Retrieves an identifier used to reuse an existing cell |
-(ICMessageTableViewCell )cellForIdentifier:(NSString )identifier fromMessageParts:(NSArray )messageParts withMessagePartViewFactories:(NSDictionary )messagePartViewFactories | Creates a cell that will represent the message parts passed in parameter |
The ICConversationViewController
displays messages within a conversation and provides a message composer.
Messages are displayed to the user in chronological order and new messages can be composed and published directly from the view controller. Supports typing indicators, delivery and read receipts, message attachments and connection indicator.
Message data is lazily loaded from a local ICMessageStore
and remotely from the IMIconnect backend services. To achieve the best possible user experience, it is recommended that you configure an appropriate message synchronisation policy within the Core SDK in order to pre-fetch data.
This component loads data from ICMessageStore
and therefore requires that a valid instance is set within the Core SDK, please refer to ICMessaging
thread | ICThread | See CoreSDK reference guide |
flavor | ICMessageComposerFlavor | See the ICMessageComposerFlavor description. |
delegate | id | See ICConversationViewControllerDelegate description |
-(void)reloadMessages | Reload all the messages of the current conversation |
This class allows you to customise the composer. You can select the plugins that will be displayed in the composer and the composer style.
plugins | NSArray | An array of plugins that will be displayed in the composer. |
style | ICMessageComposerStyle | See ICMessageComposerStyle description |
| Instantiates an ICMessageComposerFlavor with a style and some plugins |
Determines the style (color and appearances) of the message composer.
composerBackgroundColor | UIColor | The composer background color |
borderWidth | CGFloat | The border width |
borderColor | UIColor | The border color |
cornerRadius | CGFloat | The corner radius |
backgroundColor | UIColor | The background color |
messageTextColor | UIColor | The message text color |
messageFont | UIFont | The message font |
This component will display the incoming and outgoing messages in some bubbles.
conversationDataSource | id | See ICConversationCollectionViewDataSource description |
conversationDelegate | id | See ICConversationCollectionViewDelegate description |
cellFactory | ICMessageCollectionViewCellFactory | See ICMessageCollectionViewCellFactory description |
isScrollingTop | BOOL | Informs if the user is currently scrolling to top |
backgroundColor | UIColor | The background color |
| Reloads the conversation display. |
| Adds a messagePartViewFactory instance in the list of all messagePartViewFactories to create the MessagePartView |
| Scrolls the conversation collection view to the bottom |
| Scrolls to a message in the conversation |
Contains the methods needed to populate the ICConversationCollectionView with some data
| Tells the data source to return the number of messages that will be displayed in the conversation collection view |
| Asks the data source the message data that will be represented by the cell |
| Asks the data source the message part that will be displayed for a message data |
| Tells the data source to return the number of groups that will be displayed in the conversation collection view |
| Asks the data source the message group that will be displayed at an index |
| Asks the data source to return the bool value of messages that will be displayed in the conversation collection view |
Contains the methods needed to handle an event on the ICConversationCollectionView.
| Asks the delegate for the height to use for a message cell in a specified location. |
| Asks the delegate for the height to use for a message group in a specified location. |
| Tells the delegate that an attachment has been selected |
| Tells the delegate that a message part has been deleted |
| Tells the delegate that the user is trying to re-send a message |
Displays an alert event in the ICConversationCollection. This alert could be a conversation that is now closed or reopened for example.
containerBackgroundColor | UIColor | The container background color. |
containerCornerRadius | CGFloat | The corner radius of the bubble. |
containerTextColor | UIColor | The text color of the container. |
containerFont | UIFont | The font of the container. |
Displays the incoming messages in the ICConversationCollection. It has the appearance of a bubble.
containerBackgroundColor | UIColor | The container background color. |
containerCornerRadius | CGFloat | The corner radius of the bubble. |
containerTextColor | UIColor | The text color of the container. |
containerFont | UIFont | The font of the container. |
Displays the outgoing messages in the ICConversationCollection. It has the appearance of a bubble.
containerBackgroundColor | UIColor | The container background color. |
containerCornerRadius | CGFloat | The corner radius of the bubble. |
containerTextColor | UIColor | The text color of the container. |
containerFont | UIFont | The font of the container. |
messageStateFont | UIFont | The message state font. |
timeFont | UIFont | The font of the time. |
-(void)showFooter | Shows the footer of the cell. |
-(void)hideFooter | Hides the footer of the cell. |
Displays the group where the messages belong. Those groups represents by default the day when the messages have been received.
messageGroupFont | UIFont | The message group font. |
messageGroupTextColor | UIColor | The message group text color. |
This factory has the responsibility to create all the collection view cells that will be displayed in the conversation.
Syntax | Description |
-(NSString )reuseIdentifierForMessageData:(id)messageDatafromMessageParts:(NSArray )messagePartswithMessagePartViewFactories:(NSDictionary *)messagePartViewFactories | Retrieves an identifier used to reuse an existing cell. |
-(UINib )nibForIdentifier:(NSString )identifier fromMessageParts:(NSArray )messageParts withMessagePartViewFactories:(NSDictionary )messagePartViewFactories | Retrieves the nib associated to the current identifier in order to be registered to be used in the conversation cell. |
-(Class)classForIdentifier:(NSString )identifier fromMessageParts:(NSArray )messageParts withMessagePartViewFactories:(NSDictionary *)messagePartViewFactories | Retrieves the class associated to the current identifier in order to be registered to be used in the conversation cell. |
The ICConversationCategoryViewController
displays a list of conversation categories.
Categories are represented by ICConversationCategory
instances, these instances may be nested to create a hierarchy of categories. The view controller displays one level of categories at a time when the user taps a category the fragment with either:
(a) Where the category has sub-categories, displays the list of sub-categories
(b) Where the category does not have sub-categories, raise an event via the
categories | NSMutableArray | The categories that isdisplayed to the user while creating a new conversation |
delegate | id | The ICConversationCateogryViewController delegate |
The view controller displays a single level of categories at a time, if a category is selected which has sub-categories then the sub-category list replaces that which is currently shown. Pressing the back button will navigate up one level in the hierarchy.
When a final selection is made the selection is raised as an event through the ICConversationCategoryViewControllerDelegate
. A final selection is determined as a category that has no sub-categories.
Syntax | Description |
-(void)conversationCategoryViewController: (ICConversationCategoryViewController )conversationCategoryViewController didSelectConversationCategory:(ICConversationCategory )conversationCategory parentCategory:(ICConversationCategory *)parentCategory | Invoked when a final category selection is made. |
Organisations typically have multiple contact points to which a customer may be directed depending on their query. Conversation categories provide the means to drive users to the correct contact point.
The information contained in a ICConversationCategory
instance is also used to establish the correct communication stream for a conversation. Within IMIconnect, real-time messages are sent over a stream, the stream is used to direct messages to the correct service to process the message.
title | NSString | The title of the category. |
streamName | NSString | The stream name of the category. |
image | UIImage | The image of the category. |
subCategories | NSMutableArray | the sub categories. |
Syntax | Description |
-(instancetype)initWithTitle:(NSString )title streamName:(NSString )streamName | Instantiates an ICConversationCategory instance with a title and a streamName |
-(instancetype)initWithTitle:(NSString )title streamName:(NSString )streamName image:(UIImage *)image | Instantiates an ICConversationCategory instance with a title, a streamName and an image |
-(instancetype)initWithTitle:(NSString )title streamName:(NSString )streamName image:(UIImage )image subCategories:(NSMutableArray )subCategories | Instantiates an ICConversationCategory instance with a title, a streamName, an image and subcategories |
Certain integrations, such as IMIchat, allow customer details to be sent to the agent serving customer requests. This class encapsulates that information.
firstName | NSString | The customer's first name |
lastName | NSString | The customer's last name |
NSString | The customer's email | |
phoneNumber | NSString | The customer's phone number |
Syntax | Description |
-(instancetype)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary | Instantiates an ICCustomerDetails with a dictionary |
-(NSDictionary *)dictionary | Retrieves a dictionary from the customer details object |
The ICConversationDetails
Contains data relating to a conversation.
Certain integrations, such as IMIchat, require certain information about a conversation to be transmitted to the customer service agent. This class holds this data.
thread | ICThread | The conversation’s thread |
customerDetails | ICCustomerDetails | The conversation’s customer details |
category | NSString | The conversation’s category |
subCategory | NSString | The conversation’s subcategory |
Syntax | Description |
-(NSDictionary *)dictionary | Parses the ICConversationDetails to a dictionary. |
-(void)enrich:(ICMessage *)message | Enriches a message instance with the customer details. |
The ICMessagePartContainerView
Contains all the part views that represent the content of an ICMessageData
messagePartViews | NSMutableArray | The array of all the part views that are contained by the container view. |
Syntax | Description |
-(void)addPartView:(ICMessagePartView *)partView | Adds a part view to the container view |
-(void)resizeConstraints:(CGSize)size | Resizes the container’s layout constraints |
-(void)setMessageData:(id)messageData withMessageParts:(NSArray *)messageParts | Associates a message and its message parts with the container view. |
This is an abstract that represents a message part. This class can represent a text or an attachment for example.
delegate | id | See ICMessagePartViewDelegate description |
messagePart | id | The message part associated to the view |
messageData | Id | The message data associated to the view |
Syntax | Description |
-(void)setMessagePart:(id)messagePart withMessageData:(id)messageData | Associates a message and its message part with the part view |
Syntax | Description |
-(CGSize)messagePartView:(I*CMessagePartView )messagePartView sizeForMessagePart:(id)messagePart | Provides the size for a message part. |
-(void)messagePartView:(ICMessagePartView *)messagePartView didUpdateHeight:(CGFloat)height | Informs when the height has changed. |
-(void)messagePartView:(ICMessagePartView *)messagePartView didRemoveMessagePart:(id)messagePart | Informs when a message part has been removed. |
-(void)resizeInContainerSize:(CGSize)containerSize | Resizes the message part view |
This interface represents all the methods needed to create the part views that will be displayed in either an inbox cell or a conversation cell
-(NSString *)contentType | Indicates the type of the message part handled by the factory. |
-(ICMessagePartView *)createMessagePartView | Creates a new ICMessagePartView depending on the content type of the message part. |
This class implements the ICMessagePartViewFactory and is responsible for the create of the ICAudioPartView
This class implements the ICMessagePartViewFactory and is responsible for the create of the ICFilePartView
This class implements the ICMessagePartViewFactory and is responsible for the create of the ICImagePartView
This class implements the ICMessagePartViewFactory and is responsible for the create of the ICVideoPartView
This component displays a text from a message
textColor | UIColor | The text part view’s text color |
font | UIFont | The text part view’s font |
This component displays a URL preview from a message
This component displays an attachment from a message.
mediaDelegate | id | See ICMediaPartViewDelegate description |
mediaTapGestureRecognizer | UITapGestureRecognizer | The tap gesture recognizer that will be trigger when a user clicks on a media part view |
| Displays/Hides the download view |
| Starts downloading a file attached to a media |
| Tells the subclass that the download will start |
| Tells the subclass that the download will start |
| Shows/Hides the process indicator |
This component displays an audio attachment from a message.
durationTextColor | UIColor | The duration text color |
durationFont | UIFont | The duration font |
This component displays a file attachment from a message.
fileTextColor | UIColor | The file text color |
fileFont | UIFont | The file font |
This component displays an image attachment from a message.
This component displays a location attachment from a message.
This component displays a video attachment from a message.
durationTextColor | UIColor | The duration text color |
durationFont | UIFont | The duration font |
stateBackgroundColor | UIColor | The state background color |
The view is displayed to show the current connection status with the message broker.
3 statuses can be displayed: “Connected.”, “Connecting…” and “Disconnected.”
disconnectedBackgroundColor | UIColor | The disconnected background color |
disconnectedTextColor | UIColor | The disconnected text color |
connectingBackgroundColor | UIColor | The connecting background color |
connectingTextColor | UIColor | The connecting text color |
connectedBackgroundColor | UIColor | The connected background color |
connectedTextColor | UIColor | The connected text color |
connectionStatus | ICConnectionStatus | The current connection status |
This button allows the user to open a new conversation screen. Some features will be added to that component in the future.
buttonBackgroundColor | UIColor | The conversation’s button background color |
buttonTintColor | UIColor | The conversation’s tint background color |
buttonTextColor | UIColor | The conversation’s text background color |
buttonCornerRadius | CGFloat | The conversation’s corner radius |
This interface represents a part of the message that the developer wants to display in a partial view.
contentType | NSString | The message part content type |
This class will retrieve all the text that will be displayed for a specific message.
text | NSString | The message text |
This class will retrieve a single attachment that will be displayed for a specific message.
filePath | NSURL | The file path where the message is locally stored |
attachment | ICAttachment | The attachment that should be displayed in the message part view |
This class will retrieve a URL from which a preview will be displayed for a specific message
url | NSURL | The URL that will be represented in the message part view |
This view represents the composer to write down some messages and add some
attachments to these messages. To add some attachments to the message some
plugins must be registered. These plugins will allow the user to pick some
photos/videos, share a location or record some audio message for example.
delegate | id | See ICMessageComposerViewDelegate description |
composerTextView | ICMessageComposerTextView | See ICMessageComposerTextView description |
borderWidth | CGFloat | The border width |
borderColor | UIColor | The border color |
cornerRadius | CGFloat | The corner radius |
backgroundColor | UIColor | The background color |
composerBackgroundColor | UIColor | The composer background color |
Syntax | Description |
| Registers an array of plugins |
| Registers a plugin |
This interface will warn the delegate each time an action has been made on the
Syntax | Description |
| Tells the delegate that a message has been composed and provides the eventual message parts attached to that message |
| Tells the delegate to present an alertController containing plugin options |
| Tells the delegate that a plugin has been selected by the user |
| Tells the delegate that the message composer view has updated its height |
| Tells the delegate that the user is typing |
| Tells the delegate that the user is not typing anymore |
This class represents the part of the composer when the user types some text.
composerTextDelegate | id | See ICMessageComposerTextViewDelegate description |
messageTextColor | UIColor | The message text color |
messageFont | UIFont | The message text font size |
placeHolderText | NSString | The place holder text |
placeHolderTextColor | UIColor | The place holder text color |
Syntax | Description |
| Clears the composer text view and show the place holder |
This abstract class represents a way to add an attachment to a message. It can
be a photo picker, an audio recorder etc,
title | NSString | The plugin title |
Syntax | Description |
| This method should be called when a message part has been selected and his associated thumbnail generated |
| Instantiates a plugin |
| Shows the graphic component associated to the plugin from a view controller |
| Associates a message part to a message when the user has clicked on the Send button |
This class represents a way to transform a recorded audio to an audio attachment
This class provides an easy way to record an audio
delegate | Id | See the ICMessageComposerAudioPluginViewControllerDelegate description |
Syntax | Description |
| Tells the delegate that the audio has finished being recorded |
This class represents a way to transform a selected location to a location
This class provides an easy way to pick a location
delegate | Id | See the ICMessageComposerLocationPluginViewControllerDelegate description |
| Tells the delegate that the user has picked a location |
This class represents a way to transform a selected file to a file attachment
This class represents a way to transform a selected image to an image attachment
sourceType | UIImagePickerControllerSourceType | The source type of the image. It can be the library or directly the camera |
This class provides a way to show an image in full screen
Image | UIImage | The image that will be displayed in full screen |
This class displays a preview of a file
Syntax | Description |
| Shows a file preview from a file path |
Handles an interaction with a media with a default behaviour
| Gives a single instance of an ICMediaHandler |
| Handles a media message part with a default behaviour |
Updated almost 2 years ago