Channel Specific Status Codes

This document details the channel specific status codes and the associated reasons for message delivery failure.
The message delivery failure reasons are available for the following channels:


Status CodeMessageDescriptionDelivery Status
7500DeliveredReturned when the delivery is completed successfully.Delivered
7501SubmittedReturned when message is submitted to the gatewaySubmitted
7004Invalid parameters/ValuesReturned when an invalid value or parameters are provided.Failed
7006Internal server errorReturned when an occur occurs in server.Failed
7101Invalid Sender IDReturned when the sender ID is invalid.Failed
7102Invalid addressReturned when the address is invalid.Failed
7109User in DnDReturned when the user is registered on Do Not Disturb list.Failed
7201Delivery failed at OperatorReturned when the delivery failed at operator.Failed
7202Delivery failed at platformReturned when the delivery failed at platform.Failed
7203Unknown Subscriber addressReturned when the subscriber address is not known.Failed
7204Insufficient Credits in subscriber accountReturned when the subscriber account has insufficient credits.Failed
7205Error in Binary messageReturned when there is an error in binary message.Failed
7206Can't deliver. Subscriber SIM FullReturned when the subscribers SIM is full.Failed
7207Subscriber out of coverage area or not reachableReturned when the subscriber is out of coverage area.Failed
7208Message expiredReturned when message is expired.Undelivered
7209Unable to deliver multipart messageReturned when unable to deliver multipart message.Failed
7210Billing Configuration errorReturned when there is an error in billing configuration.Failed
7211Billing error at operatorReturned when an error occurs at operator.Failed


Status CodeMessageDescription
7503Message expired before delivery attemptReturned when the message is expired before attempting a delivery.
7504Authentication errorReturned when an authentication error occurs.
7505Too large payload ( >4kb)Returned when the payload is more than 4kb for Android.
7506Invalid time to live valueReturned when an invalid value is passed for time to live parameter for Android
7507Too many requests for the AppReturned when too many requests are received for the same app.
7508GCM server errorReturned when an error occurs in Google Cloud Messaging server
7509Too many concurrent requests for same customerReturned when too many requests are received for the same customer.
7510Too big payloadReturned when the payload is more than 4kb for iOS.
7511Invalid time to live valueReturned when an invalid value is passed for time to live parameter for iOS.
7512Invalid push idReturned when the push id is invalid.
7513Unregistered DeviceReturned when a device is not registered.
7514Wrong apns certificate gatewayReturned when a wrong apns certificate is provided.
7515Bad apns certificateReturned when an apns certificate is invalid.
7516Too many request for the same deviceReturned when too many requests are received by the same device.
7517APNS server errorReturned when an apns server error occurs.
7518UnknownReturned when an unknown error occurs.


Status Code





Returned when e-mail is delivered



Returned when e-mail sent to the gateway



The following bounce types are possible:

  • Undetermined: Indicates Amazon SES was unable to determine a specific bounce reason.
  • Permanent (general): Indicates Amazon SES received a general hard bounce and recommends that you remove the recipient's email address from your mailing list.
  • Permanent (no email): Indicates Amazon SES received a permanent hard bounce because the target email address does not exist. It is recommended that you remove that recipient from your mailing list.
  • Permanent (suppressed): Indicates Amazon SES has suppressed sending to this address because it has a recent history of bouncing as an invalid address.
  • Transient (general): Indicates Amazon SES received a general bounce. You may be able to successfully retry sending to that recipient in the future.
  • Transient (mail box full): Indicates Amazon SES received a mailbox full bounce. You may be able to successfully retry sending to that recipient in the future.
  • Transient (message too large): Indicates Amazon SES received a message too large bounce. You may be able to successfully retry sending to that recipient if you reduce the message size.
  • Transient (content rejected): Indicates Amazon SES received a content rejected bounce. You may be able to successfully retry sending to that recipient if you change the message content.
  • Transient (attachment rejected):
    Indicates Amazon SES received an attachment rejected bounce. You may be able to successfully retry sending to that recipient if you remove or change the attachment.



The following complaint types are possible:

  • Abuse: Indicates unsolicited email or some other kind of email abuse.
  • Auth-failure: Email authentication failure report.
  • Fraud: Indicates some kind of fraud or phishing activity.
  • Not-spam: Indicates that the entity providing the report does not consider the message to be spam. This may be used to correct a message that was incorrectly tagged or categorized as spam.
  • Other: Indicates any other feedback that does not fit into other registered types.
  • Virus: Reports that a virus is found in the originating message.
7522Email address is not verifiedThis occurs when the account is in sandbox mode. Returned when destination email address is not verified.
7523Invalid email addressReturned when destination email address is invalid.
7241EmailId in unsubscribe blacklistReturned when the destination email is found in IMIconnect unsubscribe list.