API Status Codes

API status codes for Messaging, Transaction Status, Events, and Profile API.

The APIs will respond with a code to in a synchronous response to the request


7000Invalid JSONReturned when an invalid JSON request is sent.
7001Authentication failedReturned when an invalid service key or profile key is provided in the request.
7002Service Key MissingReturned when the parameter key is missing in the message request.
7003any one of [customerid,msisdn,email, userid,pushid,psid, twitterid, wechatid] is mandatoryReturned when a mandatory parameter is missing for destination.
param 'text' is missing for androidReturned when parameter text or its value is missing for Android in push object.
param 'text' is missing for iosReturned when the parameter text or its value is missing for iOS in push object.
param 'push' missing for push channelReturned when the parameter push is missing.
either android or ios information is mandatory for push channelReturned when the push channel is missing in push object.
param 'text' missing for channel fbReturned when the parameter text or its value is missing for Facebook channel.
param 'OTT-Messaging' missing for channel fbReturned when the OTT-Messaging object is missing when deliverychannel is Facebook.
param 'fb' missing for channel fbReturned when the fb object is missing in OTT-Messaging object.
param 'text' missing for channel wechatReturned when the parameter text or its value is missing for WeChat channel.
param 'wechat' missing for channel wechatReturned when the WeChat object is missing in OTT-Messaging object.
param 'OTT-Messaging' missing for channel wechatReturned when the OTT-Messaging object is missing when deliverychannel is WeChat.
param 'text' missing for channel twitterReturned when the parameter text or its value is missing for Twitter channel.
param 'twitter' missing for channel twitterReturned when the parameter text or its value is missing for Twitter channel.
param 'twitter' missing for channel twitterReturned when the twitter object is missing in OTT-Messaging object.
param 'OTT-Messaging' missing for channel twitterReturned when the OTT-Messaging object is missing when deliverychannel is Twitter.
param 'text' missing for channel rtReturned when the parameter text or its value is missing for rt channel.
param 'appmessaging' missing for channel rtReturned when the rt object is missing when deliverychannel is rt.
param 'body' missing for channel smsReturned when the parameter body or its value is missing for sms channel and the parameter type is not selected as text (1).
param 'text' missing for channel smsReturned when the parameter text or its value is missing for sms channel.
param 'sms' missing for channel smsReturned when the sms object is missing when deliverychannel is sms.
either param 'callflowid' or param 'media' is requiredReturned when the parameters callflowid or media or their values are missing for voice channel.
param 'voice' missing for channel voiceReturned when the voice object is missing when deliverychannel is voice.
No destination channel information found in requestReturned when the value is missing for deliverychannel.
param 'deliverychannel' missingReturned when the deliverychannel is missing.
mandatory param device_types missingReturned when device_types object is missing in interactive object.
mandatory param value missing for action xxxReturned when the parameter value is missing in actions array.
mandatory param pos missingReturned when the parameter pos is missing in actions array.
mandatory param category missingReturned when the parameter category is missing in interactive object.
mandatory param actions missingReturned when the parameter actions is missing in interactive object.
7004invalid value for param 'priority', it should be one of [1,2,3,4,5]Returned when the parameter priority value is other than 1 to 5 for rt channel.
invalid value of param 'type' , only [1,2,3,4] are allowedReturned when the parameter type value is other than 1 to 4 for sms channel.
invalid delivery channelReturned when the parameter deliverychannel value is other than SMS, voice, push, rt, fb, twitter, WeChat.
invalid device type xxx, only ios or android is allowedReturned when the parameter device_types value is other than ios or android.
duplicate device type xxxReturned when duplicate position value is provided in device_types array in interactive object.
invalid value of param pos, duplicate values for pos are not allowedReturned when duplicate position value is provided in actions array in interactive object.
invalid value of param action or action is invalid for this channelReturned when an invalid action is provided in actions array in interactive object.
invalid value of param value, specified value is invalid for action xxxReturned when an invalid value is provided in value parameter in interactive actions object.
invalid action for identifier xxxReturned when an invalid action is provided for corresponding category.
invalid identifier or no actions mapped for this identifierReturned when the corresponding identifiers for category are not mapped to the identifiers that are there for actions.
no identifier found for this category and at this positionReturned when identifiers are not found for a category.
Invalid value of param pos, only positions [xx,xx] are allowed for this categoryReturned when an invalid position value is provided that is not there for corresponding category.
Invalid number of actions, expected actions size xx, but found xxReturned when an unexpected number of actions found in interactive object.
Invalid value of param category or no identifiers mapped to this categoryReturned when an invalid category is provided in request.
7005Request expiredReturned when the request is expired.
7006Internal error occurredReturned when an internal error occurs.
Internal server errorReturned when an occur occurs in server.
7007Service InactiveReturned when a service is in inactive state.
7008Inactive ProfileReturned when the profile is inactive.
7009Maximum number of destination addressReturned when an API request exceeds the limit (1000) to send messages using messaging API.
7010Source IP is not whitelistedReturned when a request is sent from an IP that is not whitelisted in IMIconnect.
Service provider exceptioniReturned when a service provider exception occurs.
7011Unknown ExceptionReturned when an unknown exception occurs.
7019Request expiredReturned when the request is expired.
7020You have reached maximum transaction limitReturned when you have reached the transaction limit.
7101Invalid Sender IDReturned when the sender ID is invalid.
7102Invalid addressReturned when the address is invalid.
7103Not enough creditsReturned when the client does not have enough credits in his account.
7104Invalid app idReturned when the app id is invalid.
7105Customer profile not foundReturned when the customer profile is not found.
7106Channel not configuredReturned when the channel is not configured.
7107Message length exceededReturned when the length of the message exceeded.
7108Invalid templateReturned when the template is invalid.
7109User in DnDReturned when the user is registered on Do Not Disturb list.
7110User is not activeReturned when the user is in inactive state.
7111Spam content detectedReturned when the content contains a spam word.
7112Invalid message typeReturned when the message type is invalid.
7113Social hoursReturned when the message is sent during non-social hours.
7114Configuration Error. Please contact admin.Returned when there is an error in configuration.
7115Rate plan not definedReturned when the rate plan is not defined.
7116Destination profile is not verifiedReturned when the destination profile is not verified.
7117RTM is not enabled for this appReturned when RTM is not enabled for this application.
7118push is not enabled for this appReturned when push is not enabled for this application.
7119Destination profile doesn't have OS detailsReturned when the destination profile does not have OS details.
7120Voice params length exceededReturned when the voice parameters length is exceeded.
7121Replaceable params could not be fetched.Returned when the replaceable parameters could not be fetched.
7200Unknown StatusReturned when the status is unknown.
7201Delivery failed at OperatorReturned when the delivery failed at operator.
7202Delivery failed at platformReturned when the delivery failed at platform.
7203Unknown Subscriber addressReturned when the subscriber address is not known.
7204Insufficient Credits in subscriber accountReturned when the subscriber account has insufficient credits.
7205Error in Binary messageReturned when there is an error in binary message.
7206Can't deliver. Subscriber SIM FullReturned when the subscribers sim is full.
7207Subscriber out of coverage area or not reachableReturned when the subscriber is out of coverage area.
7208Source ip is not white listedReturned when the source IP is not whitelisted.
7208Message expiredReturned when message is expired.
7209Unable to deliver multipart messageReturned when unable to deliver multipart message.
7210Billing Configuration errorReturned when there is an error in billing configuration.
7211Billing error at operatorReturned when an error occurs at operator.
7212Invalid registrationReturned when the registration is invalid.
7213UnregisteredReturned when the user is not registered.
7214Cloud specific failureReturned due to cloud failure.
7301Message expiredReturned when the message is expired.
7302Rate limit exceededReturned when the rate limit exceeded.
7303Delivery notification of a message expiredReturned when the delivery notification of a message is expired.
7304Invalid app credentials(Invalid OAuth)Returned when invalid app credentials are provided.
7305Invalid user credentialsReturned when user credentials are invalid.
7306Duplicate message for twitterReturned when a duplicate message is sent on twitter.
7307End point not reachable(FB is not reachable)Returned when Facebook is not reachable.
7401No answerReturned when the call is not answered.
7402Customer busyReturned when the customer is busy.
7403Call rejectedReturned when the call is rejected.
7404OthersReturned for other errors
7500DeliveredReturned when the delivery is completed successfully.
7501SubmitedReturned when the submit is success.
7502ReadReturned when the message is read.
7503Message expired before delivery attemptReturned when the message is expired before attempting a delivery.
7504Authentication errorReturned when an authentication error occurs.
7505Too large payload ( >4kb)Returned when the payload is more than 4kb for Android.
7506Invalid time to live valueReturned when an invalid value is passed for time to live parameter for Android.
7507Too many requests for the AppReturned when too many requests are received for the same app.
7508GCM server errorReturned when an error occurs in Google Cloud Messaging server.
7509Too many concurrent requests for same customerReturned when too many requests are received for the same customer.
7510Too big payloadReturned when the payload is more than 4kb for iOS.
7511Invalid time to live valueReturned when an invalid value is passed for time to live parameter for iOS.
7512Invalid push idReturned when the push id is invalid.
7513Unregistered DeviceReturned when a device is not registered.
7514Wrong apns certificate gatewayReturned when a wrong APNs certificate is provided.
7515Bad apns certificateReturned when an APNs certificate is invalid.
7516Too many request for the same deviceReturned when too many requests are received by the same device.
7517APNS server errorReturned when an APNs server error occurs.
7518UnknownReturned when an unknown error occurs.
7600no results foundReturned when the results are not found.
7601transaction is not under this service or service key is invalidReturned when there is a mismatch with the service key or transaction.
7601Verification failedReturns then the verification is failed.
7602user presence failureReturned when the user not available in the network.
7602Invalid WeChat User IDReturned when the WeChat user id is invalid.
7603either validation failed for request or user verification failureReturned when the validation is failed or user verification is failed for the request.
7603Invalid media file typeReturned when the media file is other than WeChat supported media files.
7604Invalid file typeReturned when the file is other than WeChat supported media files.
7605Invalid file sizeReturned when the WeChat file size exceeds the limit.
7606Invalid media file IDReturned when the WeChat media file id is invalid.
7607Invalid message typeReturned when the WeChat message type is invalid.
7608Invalid image file sizeReturned when the image file size exceeds the limit.
7609Invalid audio file sizeReturned when the audio file size exceeds 256K.
7610Invalid video file sizeReturned when the audio file size exceeds 1Mb.
7611Invalid thumbnail file sizeReturned when the thumbnail file size exceeds 64KB.
7612Invalid App IDReturned when the WeChat app id is invalid.
7613Invalid access tokenReturned when the WeChat access token is invalid.
7614Invalid oauth codeReturned when the WeChat oauth code is invalid.
7615Invalid refresh tokenReturned when the WeChat refresh token is invalid.
7616Invalid openid listReturned when the WeChat openid list is invalid.
7617Invalid openid list lengthReturned when the WeChat openid list length exceeds the limit.
7618Invalid request characters: The character uxxxx cannot be includedReturned when the message format is invalid.
7619Invalid parametersReturned when the WeChat API is accessed with invalid parameters.
7620Invalid request formatReturned when the WeChat API is accessed with invalid request format.
7621Invalid URL lengthReturned when the WeChat API is accessed with a lengthy URL.
7622Parameter missing: access tokenReturned when the WeChat API is accessed without an access token.
7623Parameter missing: appidReturned when the WeChat API is accessed without an appid.
7624Parameter missing: refresh tokenReturned when the WeChat API is accessed without a refresh token.
7625Parameter missing: secretReturned when the WeChat API is accessed without a secret key.
7626Multimedia file data missingReturned when the WeChat API is accessed with an invalid media file.
7627Parameter missing: media idReturned when the message is sent without media id parameter.
7628The other user is not yet a followerReturned when the message is sent to a non follower.
7629The other user is not yet a followerReturned when the message is sent to a non follower.
7630Rich media message is emptyReturned when the message is sent without rich media.
7631Text message is emptyReturned when the message is sent without a text.
7632Error source: multimedia file sizeReturned when the media size is beyond the expected size.
7633Message contents too longReturned when the message is sent with a lengthy text.
7634Title too longReturned when the message title is too long.
7635Description too longReturned when the description is too long.
7636URL too longReturned when the URL is too long.
7637Image URL too longReturned when the Image URL is too long.
7638Audio play time over limitReturned when the audio play time exceeds 60 seconds.
7639Rich media messages over limitReturned when you have used up your limit to send Rich media messages.
7640Error source: interface callReturned when the WeChat API is requested incorrectly.
7641Message quantity over limitReturned when you have used up your limit to send messages.
7642This user does not exist.Returned when the message is sent with an invalid user information.
7643Invalid image file type (invalid file type)Returned when the image file type is invalid.

Transaction Status

7006Internal server errorReturned when an error occurs in the server.
7008Inactive profileReturned when the profile is inactive.
7010Service provider exceptionReturned when a service provider exception occurs.
7011Unknown exceptionReturned when an unknown exception occurs.
7019Request expiredReturned when the request is expired.
7020You have reached maximum transaction limitReturned when you have reached the transaction limit.
7101Invalid Sender IDReturned when the sender ID is invalid.
7102Invalid addressReturned when the address is invalid.
7103Not enough creditsReturned when the client does not have enough credits in his account.
7104Invalid app IDReturned when the app id is invalid.
7105Customer profile not foundReturned when the customer profile is not found.
7106Channel not configuredReturned when the channel is not configured.
7107Message length exceededReturned when the length of the message exceeded.
7108Invalid templateReturned when the template is invalid.
7109User in DnDReturned when the user is registered on Do Not Disturb list.
7110User is not activeReturned when the user is in inactive state.
7111Span content detectedReturned when the content contains a spam word.
7112Invalid message typeReturned when the message type is invalid.
7113Social hoursReturned when the message is sent during non-social hours.
7114Configuration Error. Please contact adminReturned when there is an error in configuration.
7115Rate plan not definedReturned when the rate plan is not defined.
7116Destination profile is not verifiedReturned when the destination profile is not verified.
7117RTM is not enabled for this appReturned when RTM is not enabled for this application.
7118Push is not enabled for this appReturned when push is not enabled for this application.
7119Destination profile doesn't have OS detailsReturned when the destination profile does not have OS details.
7120Voice parameters length exceededReturned when the voice parameters length is exceeded.
7121Replaceable parameters could not be fetched.Returned when the replaceable parameters could not be fetched.
7200Unknown statusReturned when the status is unknown.
7201Delivery failed at OperatorReturned when the delivery failed at operator.
7202Delivery failed at platformReturned when the delivery failed at platform.
7203Unknown Subscriber addressReturned when the subscriber address is not known.
7204Insufficient Credits in subscriber accountReturned when the subscriber account has insufficient credits.
7205Error in Binary messageReturned when there is an error in binary message.
7206Can't deliver. Subscriber SIM FullReturned when the subscribers sim is full.
7207Subscriber out of coverage area or not reachableReturned when the subscriber is out of coverage area.
7208Message expiredReturned when message is expired.
7209Unable to deliver multi-part messageReturned when unable to deliver multi-part message.
7210Billing Configuration errorReturned when there is an error in billing configuration.
7211Billing error at operatorReturned when an error occurs at operator.
7212Invalid registrationReturned when the registration is invalid.
7213UnregisteredReturned when the user is not registered.
7214Cloud specific failureReturned due to cloud failure.
7301Message expiredReturned when the message is expired.
7302Rate limit exceededReturned when the rate limit exceeded.
7303Delivery notification of a message expiredReturned when the delivery notification of a message is expired.
7304Invalid app credentials(Invalid OAuth)Returned when invalid app credentials are provided.
7305Invalid user credentialsReturned when user credentials are invalid.
7306Duplicate message for twitterReturned when a duplicate message is sent on twitter.
7307End point not reachable (FB is not reachable)Returned when Facebook is not reachable
7401No answerReturned when the call is not answered.
7402Customer busyReturned when the customer is busy.
7403Call rejectedReturned when the call is rejected.
7404OthersReturned for other errors
7500DeliveredReturned when the delivery is completed successfully.
7501SubmittedReturned when the submit is success.
7502ReadReturned when the message is read.
7503Message expired before delivery attemptReturned when the message is expired before attempting a delivery.
7504Authentication errorReturned when an authentication error occurs.
7505Too large payload ( >4kb)Returned when the payload is more than 4kb for Android.
7506Invalid time to live valueReturned when an invalid value is passed for time to live parameter for Android.
7507Too many requests for the appReturned when too many requests are received for the same app.
7508GCM server errorReturned when an error occurs in Google Cloud Messaging server.
7509Too many concurrent requests for same customerReturned when too many requests are received for the same customer.
7510Too big payloadReturned when the payload is more than 4kb for iOS.
7511Invalid time to live valueReturned when an invalid value is passed for time to live parameter for iOS.
7512Invalid push IDReturned when the push ID is invalid.
7513Unregistered DeviceReturned when a device is not registered.
7514Wrong APNs certificate gatewayReturned when a wrong APNs certificate is provided.
7515Bad APNs certificateReturned when an APNs certificate is invalid.
7516Too many request for the same deviceReturned when too many requests are received by the same device.
7517APNs server errorReturned when an APNs server error occurs.
7518UnknownReturned when an unknown error occurs.
7600No results foundReturned when the results are not found.
7601Transaction is not under this service or service key is invalidReturned when there is a mismatch with the service key or transaction.
Verification failedReturns then the verification is failed
7602User presence failureReturned when the user not available in the network.
Invalid WeChat User IDReturned when the WeChat user id is invalid.
7603Invalid media file typeReturned when the media file is other than WeChat supported media files.
Either validation failed for request or user verification failureReturned when the validation is failed or user verification is failed for the request.
7604Invalid file typeReturned when the file is other than WeChat supported media files.
7605Invalid file sizeReturned when the WeChat file size exceeds the limit.
7606Invalid media file IDReturned when the WeChat media file id is invalid.
7607Invalid message typeReturned when the WeChat message type is invalid.
7608Invalid image file sizeReturned when the image file size exceeds the limit.
7609Invalid audio file sizeReturned when the audio file size exceeds 256K.
7610Invalid video file sizeReturned when the audio file size exceeds 1Mb.
7611Invalid thumbnail file sizeReturned when the thumbnail file size exceeds 64KB.
7612Invalid App IDReturned when the WeChat app ID is invalid.
7613Invalid access tokenReturned when the WeChat access token is invalid.
7614Invalid oauth codeReturned when the WeChat oauth code is invalid.
7615Invalid refresh tokenReturned when the WeChat refresh token is invalid.
7616Invalid openid listReturned when the WeChat openid list is invalid.
7617Invalid openid list lengthReturned when the WeChat openid list length exceeds the limit.
7618Invalid request characters: The character uxxxx cannot be includedReturned when the message format is invalid.
7619Invalid parametersReturned when the WeChat API is accessed with invalid parameters.
7620Invalid request formatReturned when the WeChat API is accessed with invalid request format.
7621Invalid URL lengthReturned when the WeChat API is accessed with a lengthy URL.
7622Parameter missing: access tokenReturned when the WeChat API is accessed without an access token.
7623Parameter missing: appidReturned when the WeChat API is accessed without an appid.
7624Parameter missing: refresh tokenReturned when the WeChat API is accessed without a refresh token.
7625Parameter missing: secretReturned when the WeChat API is accessed without a secret key.
7626Multimedia file data missingReturned when the WeChat API is accessed with an invalid media file.
7627Parameter missing: media IDReturned when the message is sent without media id parameter.
7628The other user is not yet a followerReturned when the message is sent to a non follower.
7629The other user is not yet a followerReturned when the message is sent to a non follower.
7630Rich media message is emptyReturned when the message is sent without rich media.
7631Text message is emptyReturned when the message is sent without a text.
7632Error source: multimedia file sizeReturned when the media size is beyond the expected size.
7633Message contents too longReturned when the message is sent with a lengthy text.
7634Title too longReturned when the message title is too long.
7635Description too longReturned when the description is too long.
7636URL too longReturned when the URL is too long.
7637Image URL too longReturned when the Image URL is too long.
7638Audio play time over limitReturned when the audio play time exceeds 60 seconds.
7639Rich media messages over limitReturned when you have used up your limit to send Rich media messages.
7640Error source: interface callReturned when the WeChat API is requested incorrectly.
7641Message quantity over limitReturned when you have used up your limit to send messages.
7642This user does not existReturned when the message is sent with an invalid user information.
7643Invalid image file type (invalid file type)Returned when the image file type is invalid.


1002QueuesReturned when the request is accepted by IMIconnect.
7000Invalid JSONReturned when an invalid JSON request is sent.
7001Authentication failedReturned when an invalid service key or profile key is provided in the request.
7002Service key missingReturned when the parameter key is missing in the message request.
7004Invalid valueReturned when an invalid value for parameter is provided.
7005Internal error occurredReturned when there is an issue with IMIconnect.
7006Internal error occurredReturned when there is an issue with IMIconnect.
7025Mandatory custom parameters missingReturned when any mandatory custom event parameter is missing, where these custom parameters are created in custom event creation screen.


1000SuccessReturned when the request is completed successfully.
1002Partial successReturned when at least one app profile could not be created or fetched successfully.
7003CustomerId is missingReturned when the parameter CustomerId or its value is missing.
Mandatory param access_token missingReturned when the parameter access_token or its value is missing while creating an app profile.
Mandatory param access_token_expiry missingReturned when the parameter access_token_expiry is missing while creating an app profile.
Mandatory param psid missingReturned when the parameter psid is missing while creating or updating an app profile.
Mandatory param access_token_secret missingReturned when the parameter access_token_secret is missing while creating an app profile.
Mandatory param screenName missingReturned when the parameter screenName is missing while creating an app profile.
Mandatory param twitter_user_id missingReturned when the parameter twitter_user_id is missing while creating or updating an app profile.
Mandatory param connectStatus missingReturned when the parameter connectStatus is missing while creating rtm profile.
Mandatory param deviceId missingReturned when the parameter deviceId is missing while creating rtm profile.
Mandatory param rtmId missingReturned when the parameter rtmId is missing while creating or updating rtm profile.
Mandatory param wechat_user_id missingReturned when the parameter wechat_user_id is missing while creating or updating an app profile.
Mandatory param msisdn missingReturned when the parameter msisdn or its value is missing while creating a profile.
Mandatory param status missing or it is emptyReturned when the parameter status or its value is missing while creating or updating a profile.
Invalid value for param status, only values [0,1] are allowedReturned when the parameter status value is other than 0 or 1.
7010Source IP is not whitelistedReturned when a request is sent from an IP that is not whitelisted in IMIconnect.
7011Invalid Attribute ValueReturned when an invalid value is provided for the customer or app profile Attributes object.
invalid value for param status, only values [0,1] are allowedReturned when an invalid value is provided for customer or app profile Records array.
7012Batch size limit(100) exceededReturned when an API request exceeds the limit to create or update or delete using profile API.
7013Master profile store not foundReturned when a master profile store does not exists.
7014Customer not foundReturned when a customer does not exists to update or delete the profile.
App profile not foundReturned when a customers app profile does not exists to update or delete the app profile.
7015Customer already existsReturned when a customer profile is being created for which the profile already exists.
App profile already existsReturned when a customers application profile is being created for which the profile already exists.
7016Unknown errorReturned when an unknown error occurs.
7017Profile attribute doesn't existReturned when an attribute is sent for which the attribute is not defined in client master profile.
7018Invalid app profile or app profile is not linked to this clientReturned when an application master profile does not exists.
7019Request expiredReturned when the request is expired.
7020You have reached maximum transaction limitReturned when you have reached the transaction limit.

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