API Status Codes
API status codes for Messaging, Transaction Status, Events, and Profile API.
The APIs will respond with a code to in a synchronous response to the request
Code | Message | Description |
7000 | Invalid JSON | Returned when an invalid JSON request is sent. |
7001 | Authentication failed | Returned when an invalid service key or profile key is provided in the request. |
7002 | Service Key Missing | Returned when the parameter key is missing in the message request. |
7003 | any one of [customerid,msisdn,email, userid,pushid,psid, twitterid, wechatid] is mandatory | Returned when a mandatory parameter is missing for destination. |
param 'text' is missing for android | Returned when parameter text or its value is missing for Android in push object. | |
param 'text' is missing for ios | Returned when the parameter text or its value is missing for iOS in push object. | |
param 'push' missing for push channel | Returned when the parameter push is missing. | |
either android or ios information is mandatory for push channel | Returned when the push channel is missing in push object. | |
param 'text' missing for channel fb | Returned when the parameter text or its value is missing for Facebook channel. | |
param 'OTT-Messaging' missing for channel fb | Returned when the OTT-Messaging object is missing when deliverychannel is Facebook. | |
param 'fb' missing for channel fb | Returned when the fb object is missing in OTT-Messaging object. | |
param 'text' missing for channel wechat | Returned when the parameter text or its value is missing for WeChat channel. | |
param 'wechat' missing for channel wechat | Returned when the WeChat object is missing in OTT-Messaging object. | |
param 'OTT-Messaging' missing for channel wechat | Returned when the OTT-Messaging object is missing when deliverychannel is WeChat. | |
param 'text' missing for channel twitter | Returned when the parameter text or its value is missing for Twitter channel. | |
param 'twitter' missing for channel twitter | Returned when the parameter text or its value is missing for Twitter channel. | |
param 'twitter' missing for channel twitter | Returned when the twitter object is missing in OTT-Messaging object. | |
param 'OTT-Messaging' missing for channel twitter | Returned when the OTT-Messaging object is missing when deliverychannel is Twitter. | |
param 'text' missing for channel rt | Returned when the parameter text or its value is missing for rt channel. | |
param 'appmessaging' missing for channel rt | Returned when the rt object is missing when deliverychannel is rt. | |
param 'body' missing for channel sms | Returned when the parameter body or its value is missing for sms channel and the parameter type is not selected as text (1). | |
param 'text' missing for channel sms | Returned when the parameter text or its value is missing for sms channel. | |
param 'sms' missing for channel sms | Returned when the sms object is missing when deliverychannel is sms. | |
either param 'callflowid' or param 'media' is required | Returned when the parameters callflowid or media or their values are missing for voice channel. | |
param 'voice' missing for channel voice | Returned when the voice object is missing when deliverychannel is voice. | |
No destination channel information found in request | Returned when the value is missing for deliverychannel. | |
param 'deliverychannel' missing | Returned when the deliverychannel is missing. | |
mandatory param device_types missing | Returned when device_types object is missing in interactive object. | |
mandatory param value missing for action xxx | Returned when the parameter value is missing in actions array. | |
mandatory param pos missing | Returned when the parameter pos is missing in actions array. | |
mandatory param category missing | Returned when the parameter category is missing in interactive object. | |
mandatory param actions missing | Returned when the parameter actions is missing in interactive object. | |
7004 | invalid value for param 'priority', it should be one of [1,2,3,4,5] | Returned when the parameter priority value is other than 1 to 5 for rt channel. |
invalid value of param 'type' , only [1,2,3,4] are allowed | Returned when the parameter type value is other than 1 to 4 for sms channel. | |
invalid delivery channel | Returned when the parameter deliverychannel value is other than SMS, voice, push, rt, fb, twitter, WeChat. | |
invalid device type xxx, only ios or android is allowed | Returned when the parameter device_types value is other than ios or android. | |
duplicate device type xxx | Returned when duplicate position value is provided in device_types array in interactive object. | |
invalid value of param pos, duplicate values for pos are not allowed | Returned when duplicate position value is provided in actions array in interactive object. | |
invalid value of param action or action is invalid for this channel | Returned when an invalid action is provided in actions array in interactive object. | |
invalid value of param value, specified value is invalid for action xxx | Returned when an invalid value is provided in value parameter in interactive actions object. | |
invalid action for identifier xxx | Returned when an invalid action is provided for corresponding category. | |
invalid identifier or no actions mapped for this identifier | Returned when the corresponding identifiers for category are not mapped to the identifiers that are there for actions. | |
no identifier found for this category and at this position | Returned when identifiers are not found for a category. | |
Invalid value of param pos, only positions [xx,xx] are allowed for this category | Returned when an invalid position value is provided that is not there for corresponding category. | |
Invalid number of actions, expected actions size xx, but found xx | Returned when an unexpected number of actions found in interactive object. | |
Invalid value of param category or no identifiers mapped to this category | Returned when an invalid category is provided in request. | |
7005 | Request expired | Returned when the request is expired. |
7006 | Internal error occurred | Returned when an internal error occurs. |
Internal server error | Returned when an occur occurs in server. | |
7007 | Service Inactive | Returned when a service is in inactive state. |
7008 | Inactive Profile | Returned when the profile is inactive. |
7009 | Maximum number of destination address | Returned when an API request exceeds the limit (1000) to send messages using messaging API. |
7010 | Source IP is not whitelisted | Returned when a request is sent from an IP that is not whitelisted in IMIconnect. |
Service provider exceptioni | Returned when a service provider exception occurs. | |
7011 | Unknown Exception | Returned when an unknown exception occurs. |
7019 | Request expired | Returned when the request is expired. |
7020 | You have reached maximum transaction limit | Returned when you have reached the transaction limit. |
7101 | Invalid Sender ID | Returned when the sender ID is invalid. |
7102 | Invalid address | Returned when the address is invalid. |
7103 | Not enough credits | Returned when the client does not have enough credits in his account. |
7104 | Invalid app id | Returned when the app id is invalid. |
7105 | Customer profile not found | Returned when the customer profile is not found. |
7106 | Channel not configured | Returned when the channel is not configured. |
7107 | Message length exceeded | Returned when the length of the message exceeded. |
7108 | Invalid template | Returned when the template is invalid. |
7109 | User in DnD | Returned when the user is registered on Do Not Disturb list. |
7110 | User is not active | Returned when the user is in inactive state. |
7111 | Spam content detected | Returned when the content contains a spam word. |
7112 | Invalid message type | Returned when the message type is invalid. |
7113 | Social hours | Returned when the message is sent during non-social hours. |
7114 | Configuration Error. Please contact admin. | Returned when there is an error in configuration. |
7115 | Rate plan not defined | Returned when the rate plan is not defined. |
7116 | Destination profile is not verified | Returned when the destination profile is not verified. |
7117 | RTM is not enabled for this app | Returned when RTM is not enabled for this application. |
7118 | push is not enabled for this app | Returned when push is not enabled for this application. |
7119 | Destination profile doesn't have OS details | Returned when the destination profile does not have OS details. |
7120 | Voice params length exceeded | Returned when the voice parameters length is exceeded. |
7121 | Replaceable params could not be fetched. | Returned when the replaceable parameters could not be fetched. |
7200 | Unknown Status | Returned when the status is unknown. |
7201 | Delivery failed at Operator | Returned when the delivery failed at operator. |
7202 | Delivery failed at platform | Returned when the delivery failed at platform. |
7203 | Unknown Subscriber address | Returned when the subscriber address is not known. |
7204 | Insufficient Credits in subscriber account | Returned when the subscriber account has insufficient credits. |
7205 | Error in Binary message | Returned when there is an error in binary message. |
7206 | Can't deliver. Subscriber SIM Full | Returned when the subscribers sim is full. |
7207 | Subscriber out of coverage area or not reachable | Returned when the subscriber is out of coverage area. |
7208 | Source ip is not white listed | Returned when the source IP is not whitelisted. |
7208 | Message expired | Returned when message is expired. |
7209 | Unable to deliver multipart message | Returned when unable to deliver multipart message. |
7210 | Billing Configuration error | Returned when there is an error in billing configuration. |
7211 | Billing error at operator | Returned when an error occurs at operator. |
7212 | Invalid registration | Returned when the registration is invalid. |
7213 | Unregistered | Returned when the user is not registered. |
7214 | Cloud specific failure | Returned due to cloud failure. |
7301 | Message expired | Returned when the message is expired. |
7302 | Rate limit exceeded | Returned when the rate limit exceeded. |
7303 | Delivery notification of a message expired | Returned when the delivery notification of a message is expired. |
7304 | Invalid app credentials(Invalid OAuth) | Returned when invalid app credentials are provided. |
7305 | Invalid user credentials | Returned when user credentials are invalid. |
7306 | Duplicate message for twitter | Returned when a duplicate message is sent on twitter. |
7307 | End point not reachable(FB is not reachable) | Returned when Facebook is not reachable. |
7401 | No answer | Returned when the call is not answered. |
7402 | Customer busy | Returned when the customer is busy. |
7403 | Call rejected | Returned when the call is rejected. |
7404 | Others | Returned for other errors |
7500 | Delivered | Returned when the delivery is completed successfully. |
7501 | Submited | Returned when the submit is success. |
7502 | Read | Returned when the message is read. |
7503 | Message expired before delivery attempt | Returned when the message is expired before attempting a delivery. |
7504 | Authentication error | Returned when an authentication error occurs. |
7505 | Too large payload ( >4kb) | Returned when the payload is more than 4kb for Android. |
7506 | Invalid time to live value | Returned when an invalid value is passed for time to live parameter for Android. |
7507 | Too many requests for the App | Returned when too many requests are received for the same app. |
7508 | GCM server error | Returned when an error occurs in Google Cloud Messaging server. |
7509 | Too many concurrent requests for same customer | Returned when too many requests are received for the same customer. |
7510 | Too big payload | Returned when the payload is more than 4kb for iOS. |
7511 | Invalid time to live value | Returned when an invalid value is passed for time to live parameter for iOS. |
7512 | Invalid push id | Returned when the push id is invalid. |
7513 | Unregistered Device | Returned when a device is not registered. |
7514 | Wrong apns certificate gateway | Returned when a wrong APNs certificate is provided. |
7515 | Bad apns certificate | Returned when an APNs certificate is invalid. |
7516 | Too many request for the same device | Returned when too many requests are received by the same device. |
7517 | APNS server error | Returned when an APNs server error occurs. |
7518 | Unknown | Returned when an unknown error occurs. |
7600 | no results found | Returned when the results are not found. |
7601 | transaction is not under this service or service key is invalid | Returned when there is a mismatch with the service key or transaction. |
7601 | Verification failed | Returns then the verification is failed. |
7602 | user presence failure | Returned when the user not available in the network. |
7602 | Invalid WeChat User ID | Returned when the WeChat user id is invalid. |
7603 | either validation failed for request or user verification failure | Returned when the validation is failed or user verification is failed for the request. |
7603 | Invalid media file type | Returned when the media file is other than WeChat supported media files. |
7604 | Invalid file type | Returned when the file is other than WeChat supported media files. |
7605 | Invalid file size | Returned when the WeChat file size exceeds the limit. |
7606 | Invalid media file ID | Returned when the WeChat media file id is invalid. |
7607 | Invalid message type | Returned when the WeChat message type is invalid. |
7608 | Invalid image file size | Returned when the image file size exceeds the limit. |
7609 | Invalid audio file size | Returned when the audio file size exceeds 256K. |
7610 | Invalid video file size | Returned when the audio file size exceeds 1Mb. |
7611 | Invalid thumbnail file size | Returned when the thumbnail file size exceeds 64KB. |
7612 | Invalid App ID | Returned when the WeChat app id is invalid. |
7613 | Invalid access token | Returned when the WeChat access token is invalid. |
7614 | Invalid oauth code | Returned when the WeChat oauth code is invalid. |
7615 | Invalid refresh token | Returned when the WeChat refresh token is invalid. |
7616 | Invalid openid list | Returned when the WeChat openid list is invalid. |
7617 | Invalid openid list length | Returned when the WeChat openid list length exceeds the limit. |
7618 | Invalid request characters: The character uxxxx cannot be included | Returned when the message format is invalid. |
7619 | Invalid parameters | Returned when the WeChat API is accessed with invalid parameters. |
7620 | Invalid request format | Returned when the WeChat API is accessed with invalid request format. |
7621 | Invalid URL length | Returned when the WeChat API is accessed with a lengthy URL. |
7622 | Parameter missing: access token | Returned when the WeChat API is accessed without an access token. |
7623 | Parameter missing: appid | Returned when the WeChat API is accessed without an appid. |
7624 | Parameter missing: refresh token | Returned when the WeChat API is accessed without a refresh token. |
7625 | Parameter missing: secret | Returned when the WeChat API is accessed without a secret key. |
7626 | Multimedia file data missing | Returned when the WeChat API is accessed with an invalid media file. |
7627 | Parameter missing: media id | Returned when the message is sent without media id parameter. |
7628 | The other user is not yet a follower | Returned when the message is sent to a non follower. |
7629 | The other user is not yet a follower | Returned when the message is sent to a non follower. |
7630 | Rich media message is empty | Returned when the message is sent without rich media. |
7631 | Text message is empty | Returned when the message is sent without a text. |
7632 | Error source: multimedia file size | Returned when the media size is beyond the expected size. |
7633 | Message contents too long | Returned when the message is sent with a lengthy text. |
7634 | Title too long | Returned when the message title is too long. |
7635 | Description too long | Returned when the description is too long. |
7636 | URL too long | Returned when the URL is too long. |
7637 | Image URL too long | Returned when the Image URL is too long. |
7638 | Audio play time over limit | Returned when the audio play time exceeds 60 seconds. |
7639 | Rich media messages over limit | Returned when you have used up your limit to send Rich media messages. |
7640 | Error source: interface call | Returned when the WeChat API is requested incorrectly. |
7641 | Message quantity over limit | Returned when you have used up your limit to send messages. |
7642 | This user does not exist. | Returned when the message is sent with an invalid user information. |
7643 | Invalid image file type (invalid file type) | Returned when the image file type is invalid. |
Transaction Status
Code | Message | Description |
7006 | Internal server error | Returned when an error occurs in the server. |
7008 | Inactive profile | Returned when the profile is inactive. |
7010 | Service provider exception | Returned when a service provider exception occurs. |
7011 | Unknown exception | Returned when an unknown exception occurs. |
7019 | Request expired | Returned when the request is expired. |
7020 | You have reached maximum transaction limit | Returned when you have reached the transaction limit. |
7101 | Invalid Sender ID | Returned when the sender ID is invalid. |
7102 | Invalid address | Returned when the address is invalid. |
7103 | Not enough credits | Returned when the client does not have enough credits in his account. |
7104 | Invalid app ID | Returned when the app id is invalid. |
7105 | Customer profile not found | Returned when the customer profile is not found. |
7106 | Channel not configured | Returned when the channel is not configured. |
7107 | Message length exceeded | Returned when the length of the message exceeded. |
7108 | Invalid template | Returned when the template is invalid. |
7109 | User in DnD | Returned when the user is registered on Do Not Disturb list. |
7110 | User is not active | Returned when the user is in inactive state. |
7111 | Span content detected | Returned when the content contains a spam word. |
7112 | Invalid message type | Returned when the message type is invalid. |
7113 | Social hours | Returned when the message is sent during non-social hours. |
7114 | Configuration Error. Please contact admin | Returned when there is an error in configuration. |
7115 | Rate plan not defined | Returned when the rate plan is not defined. |
7116 | Destination profile is not verified | Returned when the destination profile is not verified. |
7117 | RTM is not enabled for this app | Returned when RTM is not enabled for this application. |
7118 | Push is not enabled for this app | Returned when push is not enabled for this application. |
7119 | Destination profile doesn't have OS details | Returned when the destination profile does not have OS details. |
7120 | Voice parameters length exceeded | Returned when the voice parameters length is exceeded. |
7121 | Replaceable parameters could not be fetched. | Returned when the replaceable parameters could not be fetched. |
7200 | Unknown status | Returned when the status is unknown. |
7201 | Delivery failed at Operator | Returned when the delivery failed at operator. |
7202 | Delivery failed at platform | Returned when the delivery failed at platform. |
7203 | Unknown Subscriber address | Returned when the subscriber address is not known. |
7204 | Insufficient Credits in subscriber account | Returned when the subscriber account has insufficient credits. |
7205 | Error in Binary message | Returned when there is an error in binary message. |
7206 | Can't deliver. Subscriber SIM Full | Returned when the subscribers sim is full. |
7207 | Subscriber out of coverage area or not reachable | Returned when the subscriber is out of coverage area. |
7208 | Message expired | Returned when message is expired. |
7209 | Unable to deliver multi-part message | Returned when unable to deliver multi-part message. |
7210 | Billing Configuration error | Returned when there is an error in billing configuration. |
7211 | Billing error at operator | Returned when an error occurs at operator. |
7212 | Invalid registration | Returned when the registration is invalid. |
7213 | Unregistered | Returned when the user is not registered. |
7214 | Cloud specific failure | Returned due to cloud failure. |
7301 | Message expired | Returned when the message is expired. |
7302 | Rate limit exceeded | Returned when the rate limit exceeded. |
7303 | Delivery notification of a message expired | Returned when the delivery notification of a message is expired. |
7304 | Invalid app credentials(Invalid OAuth) | Returned when invalid app credentials are provided. |
7305 | Invalid user credentials | Returned when user credentials are invalid. |
7306 | Duplicate message for twitter | Returned when a duplicate message is sent on twitter. |
7307 | End point not reachable (FB is not reachable) | Returned when Facebook is not reachable |
7401 | No answer | Returned when the call is not answered. |
7402 | Customer busy | Returned when the customer is busy. |
7403 | Call rejected | Returned when the call is rejected. |
7404 | Others | Returned for other errors |
7500 | Delivered | Returned when the delivery is completed successfully. |
7501 | Submitted | Returned when the submit is success. |
7502 | Read | Returned when the message is read. |
7503 | Message expired before delivery attempt | Returned when the message is expired before attempting a delivery. |
7504 | Authentication error | Returned when an authentication error occurs. |
7505 | Too large payload ( >4kb) | Returned when the payload is more than 4kb for Android. |
7506 | Invalid time to live value | Returned when an invalid value is passed for time to live parameter for Android. |
7507 | Too many requests for the app | Returned when too many requests are received for the same app. |
7508 | GCM server error | Returned when an error occurs in Google Cloud Messaging server. |
7509 | Too many concurrent requests for same customer | Returned when too many requests are received for the same customer. |
7510 | Too big payload | Returned when the payload is more than 4kb for iOS. |
7511 | Invalid time to live value | Returned when an invalid value is passed for time to live parameter for iOS. |
7512 | Invalid push ID | Returned when the push ID is invalid. |
7513 | Unregistered Device | Returned when a device is not registered. |
7514 | Wrong APNs certificate gateway | Returned when a wrong APNs certificate is provided. |
7515 | Bad APNs certificate | Returned when an APNs certificate is invalid. |
7516 | Too many request for the same device | Returned when too many requests are received by the same device. |
7517 | APNs server error | Returned when an APNs server error occurs. |
7518 | Unknown | Returned when an unknown error occurs. |
7600 | No results found | Returned when the results are not found. |
7601 | Transaction is not under this service or service key is invalid | Returned when there is a mismatch with the service key or transaction. |
Verification failed | Returns then the verification is failed | |
7602 | User presence failure | Returned when the user not available in the network. |
Invalid WeChat User ID | Returned when the WeChat user id is invalid. | |
7603 | Invalid media file type | Returned when the media file is other than WeChat supported media files. |
Either validation failed for request or user verification failure | Returned when the validation is failed or user verification is failed for the request. | |
7604 | Invalid file type | Returned when the file is other than WeChat supported media files. |
7605 | Invalid file size | Returned when the WeChat file size exceeds the limit. |
7606 | Invalid media file ID | Returned when the WeChat media file id is invalid. |
7607 | Invalid message type | Returned when the WeChat message type is invalid. |
7608 | Invalid image file size | Returned when the image file size exceeds the limit. |
7609 | Invalid audio file size | Returned when the audio file size exceeds 256K. |
7610 | Invalid video file size | Returned when the audio file size exceeds 1Mb. |
7611 | Invalid thumbnail file size | Returned when the thumbnail file size exceeds 64KB. |
7612 | Invalid App ID | Returned when the WeChat app ID is invalid. |
7613 | Invalid access token | Returned when the WeChat access token is invalid. |
7614 | Invalid oauth code | Returned when the WeChat oauth code is invalid. |
7615 | Invalid refresh token | Returned when the WeChat refresh token is invalid. |
7616 | Invalid openid list | Returned when the WeChat openid list is invalid. |
7617 | Invalid openid list length | Returned when the WeChat openid list length exceeds the limit. |
7618 | Invalid request characters: The character uxxxx cannot be included | Returned when the message format is invalid. |
7619 | Invalid parameters | Returned when the WeChat API is accessed with invalid parameters. |
7620 | Invalid request format | Returned when the WeChat API is accessed with invalid request format. |
7621 | Invalid URL length | Returned when the WeChat API is accessed with a lengthy URL. |
7622 | Parameter missing: access token | Returned when the WeChat API is accessed without an access token. |
7623 | Parameter missing: appid | Returned when the WeChat API is accessed without an appid. |
7624 | Parameter missing: refresh token | Returned when the WeChat API is accessed without a refresh token. |
7625 | Parameter missing: secret | Returned when the WeChat API is accessed without a secret key. |
7626 | Multimedia file data missing | Returned when the WeChat API is accessed with an invalid media file. |
7627 | Parameter missing: media ID | Returned when the message is sent without media id parameter. |
7628 | The other user is not yet a follower | Returned when the message is sent to a non follower. |
7629 | The other user is not yet a follower | Returned when the message is sent to a non follower. |
7630 | Rich media message is empty | Returned when the message is sent without rich media. |
7631 | Text message is empty | Returned when the message is sent without a text. |
7632 | Error source: multimedia file size | Returned when the media size is beyond the expected size. |
7633 | Message contents too long | Returned when the message is sent with a lengthy text. |
7634 | Title too long | Returned when the message title is too long. |
7635 | Description too long | Returned when the description is too long. |
7636 | URL too long | Returned when the URL is too long. |
7637 | Image URL too long | Returned when the Image URL is too long. |
7638 | Audio play time over limit | Returned when the audio play time exceeds 60 seconds. |
7639 | Rich media messages over limit | Returned when you have used up your limit to send Rich media messages. |
7640 | Error source: interface call | Returned when the WeChat API is requested incorrectly. |
7641 | Message quantity over limit | Returned when you have used up your limit to send messages. |
7642 | This user does not exist | Returned when the message is sent with an invalid user information. |
7643 | Invalid image file type (invalid file type) | Returned when the image file type is invalid. |
Code | Message | Description |
1002 | Queues | Returned when the request is accepted by IMIconnect. |
7000 | Invalid JSON | Returned when an invalid JSON request is sent. |
7001 | Authentication failed | Returned when an invalid service key or profile key is provided in the request. |
7002 | Service key missing | Returned when the parameter key is missing in the message request. |
7004 | Invalid value | Returned when an invalid value for parameter is provided. |
7005 | Internal error occurred | Returned when there is an issue with IMIconnect. |
7006 | Internal error occurred | Returned when there is an issue with IMIconnect. |
7025 | Mandatory custom parameters missing | Returned when any mandatory custom event parameter is missing, where these custom parameters are created in custom event creation screen. |
Code | Message | Description |
1000 | Success | Returned when the request is completed successfully. |
1002 | Partial success | Returned when at least one app profile could not be created or fetched successfully. |
7003 | CustomerId is missing | Returned when the parameter CustomerId or its value is missing. |
Mandatory param access_token missing | Returned when the parameter access_token or its value is missing while creating an app profile. | |
Mandatory param access_token_expiry missing | Returned when the parameter access_token_expiry is missing while creating an app profile. | |
Mandatory param psid missing | Returned when the parameter psid is missing while creating or updating an app profile. | |
Mandatory param access_token_secret missing | Returned when the parameter access_token_secret is missing while creating an app profile. | |
Mandatory param screenName missing | Returned when the parameter screenName is missing while creating an app profile. | |
Mandatory param twitter_user_id missing | Returned when the parameter twitter_user_id is missing while creating or updating an app profile. | |
Mandatory param connectStatus missing | Returned when the parameter connectStatus is missing while creating rtm profile. | |
Mandatory param deviceId missing | Returned when the parameter deviceId is missing while creating rtm profile. | |
Mandatory param rtmId missing | Returned when the parameter rtmId is missing while creating or updating rtm profile. | |
Mandatory param wechat_user_id missing | Returned when the parameter wechat_user_id is missing while creating or updating an app profile. | |
Mandatory param msisdn missing | Returned when the parameter msisdn or its value is missing while creating a profile. | |
Mandatory param status missing or it is empty | Returned when the parameter status or its value is missing while creating or updating a profile. | |
Invalid value for param status, only values [0,1] are allowed | Returned when the parameter status value is other than 0 or 1. | |
7010 | Source IP is not whitelisted | Returned when a request is sent from an IP that is not whitelisted in IMIconnect. |
7011 | Invalid Attribute Value | Returned when an invalid value is provided for the customer or app profile Attributes object. |
invalid value for param status, only values [0,1] are allowed | Returned when an invalid value is provided for customer or app profile Records array. | |
7012 | Batch size limit(100) exceeded | Returned when an API request exceeds the limit to create or update or delete using profile API. |
7013 | Master profile store not found | Returned when a master profile store does not exists. |
7014 | Customer not found | Returned when a customer does not exists to update or delete the profile. |
App profile not found | Returned when a customers app profile does not exists to update or delete the app profile. | |
7015 | Customer already exists | Returned when a customer profile is being created for which the profile already exists. |
App profile already exists | Returned when a customers application profile is being created for which the profile already exists. | |
7016 | Unknown error | Returned when an unknown error occurs. |
7017 | Profile attribute doesn't exist | Returned when an attribute is sent for which the attribute is not defined in client master profile. |
7018 | Invalid app profile or app profile is not linked to this client | Returned when an application master profile does not exists. |
7019 | Request expired | Returned when the request is expired. |
7020 | You have reached maximum transaction limit | Returned when you have reached the transaction limit. |
Updated about 2 years ago