An additional channel Email on IMIconnect allows users to send emails from this platform.
Email as a Channel enables users to send plain text and rich HTML email messages with tables, embedded links, and attachments via the IMIConnect platform.
To set up this feature, you need to have a domain to send or received emails. The same email domain should be registered with IMIconnect under Apps section.
This document describes the following topics:
The Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is an email platform that provides an easy, cost-effective way to send and receive email using your own email addresses and domains.
It integrates seamlessly and allows you to add email capabilities to any application by using the AWS SDKs or the Amazon SES API.
Create IAM Policies
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a web service that helps you securely control access to AWS resources for your users. You use IAM to authenticate (control who can use your AWS resources) and authorize (what resources they can use and in what ways).
To create an administrator user (for admin only) and add the user to an administrators group (console), perform the following steps:
- In the navigation pane, choose Users and click Add Users.
- Enter a User name, for example: sestest.
- Under Select AWS access type, select the Programmatic access check box in the Access type. This enables the access key ID and secret access key for the AWS API, SDK, and other development tools.
- Click Next: Permissions.
- In the policy list, select AmazonSESFullAccess and AmazonSNSFullAccess check box and click Create group.
- Choose Next: Review to see the list of group memberships to be added to the new user. When you are ready to proceed, click Create user.
- This Access key ID and Secret access key are required to be entered during email app creation.
For detailed information on how to create an email app, see Create Email App.
Create Email App
To add a new email channel, follow the steps below:
- From the CONFIGURE APPS drop- down menu, select EMAIL.
- Enter the mandatory email credentials - Access Key ID, Region, and Secret Access Key. Click on VERIFY CREDENTIALS.
For further assistance, contact [email protected]
- To verify a new domain, enter the domain name below and choose Generate DKIM settings thereafter, click Verify Domain.
The page is redirected to -Manage Application, which displays the following:
- Access Credentials - You can enter the AWS SES Access Key ID and Secret Access Key with FullAccessPolicy.
- Verification Status - Status of the domain verification; for example, Pending Verification.
- DKIM Settings - Domain with Amazon and fetch DNS records for domain verification and DKIM. If user does not select DKIM during initial on-boarding, the DKIM box is in a switch off state, otherwise the DKIM status is Pending Verification.
- Sending Limit - You can send 50000 emails in a 24-hour period.
Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) provides proof that the email you send originates from your domain and is authentic. DKIM signatures are stored in your domain's DNS system. You can generate DNS records for DKIM now, or do it later by clicking on the DKIM tab for this domain.
A new action called Flow: Send is added to enable users to select an email instance or write a static message body text.
IMIconnect unsubscribe feature enables you to set preferences to stop sending e-mails to users who have opted out of the subscription list.
When you enable unsubscribe option on IMIconnect platform and add an unsubscribe link to the footer of your template using the template builder, IMIconnect builds a database to store unsubscribed email list. These emails will have an autogenerated unsubscribe link attached to the unsunscribe anchor in the footer. While sending emails, IMIconnect identifies and filters the unsubscribed emails from the send list. i.e IMIconnect validates the targeted users against the unsubscribed list before delivery of emails.
To create unsubscribe link in an email, refer Manage unsubscribe link in an email
Updated 3 months ago