Voice: Play

Plays voice prompts based on the language, voice, and date format in a voice flow. Multiple types of voice play prompts are supported which include playing an audio file, DTMF key strokes, Numbers, Currency, Date, Time, and Text to speech.

The options of play node are:

Node OptionsDescription
PLAY OPTIONSPlay options helps you configure a voice file to the node.
MENU OPTIONSMenu options helps you direct a call to the appropriate branch.
TIMER SETTINGSTimer options helps you configure the time-out upon which the control is passed to the selected node.
NODE EVENTSNode options helps you configure the events that you want to trigger on this node.


The play options screen allows you to create or add party to the conference call.


To configure the play options, follow these steps:

  1. Select Type from the drop-down. Following are the options:
Play-PromptConfigure this option to play a voice file.
Play-DTMFConfigure this option to capture the response keyed in to a session variable.
Play-NumberConfigure this option to convert a number to voice and play it to the caller.
Play-CurrencyConfigure this option to convert a number to currency and play it to the caller.
Play-DateConfigure this option to convert a date and play it to the caller.
Play-TimeConfigure this option to convert a number to time format and play it to the caller.
Play-HTTP PromptConfigure this option to play a URL to the caller.
Play-StreamConfigure this option to play a stream from a URL.
Text to SpeechConfigure this option to convert text to speech.
  1. Click Settings icon. A popup screen is displayed with additional configuration options.
    • Session Variables: If you select static variable, the text box is enabled to enter the value.
    • Offset (Secs): Enter the offset time in seconds after which the voice will start playing.
    • Duration: Enter the time in seconds. The voice file will be played for the specified duration.
    • User Assets: Select this option to select the language and voice file.
    • +: Click + option to configure additional options.
  2. Click x to close the popup screen.
  3. Click + icon to add additional options.


The menu options screen allows you to configure the appropriate number of branches and direct the control to the respective branch based on the DTMF key stoke configuration set.

Key to DetectSelect the key from the drop-down (0-9, *,#).
Voice TagEnter the voice tag.
ActionsClick + icon to add more keys.


The timer settings screen allows you to configure the time-out upon which the control is passed to the selected node.





This option helps you terminate the flow from this node after the specified time-out seconds. To enter the time in seconds, follow these steps:

  1. Select call from the Type drop-down.

  2. Select static variable from the Value (in secs) drop-down.

  3. Enter the value in seconds.

  4. Click + icon to add other fields.


This option helps you terminate a menu after the specified time-out seconds. To enter time in seconds, follow these steps:

  1. Select menu from the Type drop-down.

  2. Select static variable from the Value (in secs) drop-down.

  3. Enter the value in seconds.


This option helps you terminate a dtmf after the specified time-out seconds. To enter time in seconds, follow these steps:

  1. Select dtmf from the Type drop-down.

  2. Select static variable from the Value (in secs) drop-down.

  3. Enter the value in seconds.


This option helps you specify the stream. To configure a value, follow these steps:

  1. Select stream from the Type drop-down.

  2. Select static variable from the Value (in secs) drop-down.

  3. Enter the value.

  4. Click + to add other types.


The node events screen allows you to configure the events that you want to trigger on this node.

Event NameDescription
onplaycompleteThis event is triggered when the conference call is closed.
onspeakerrorThis event is triggered when an error occurs during the conference call.
oninvalidchoiceThis event is triggered if an invalid choice is made (an undefined choice).
onnoinputThis event is triggered when an input is not provided.
onstreamerrorThis event is triggered when an error occurs during the conference call.
onstreamtimeoutThis event is triggered when a stream is timed out.

Properties / Params configuration


LabelThe name of the node represented as a string.
A node can be renamed by changing the contents of the Label field.


Session DataThe Session Data shortcut leads to the Session Data / Custom Logs configuration.Session Data can set one or more Session Params upon entering or leaving the node.Custom Logs can record one or more Session Params upon entering or leaving the node. This is useful for debugging purposes.