Configuring Custom Flow Result

The custom flow result tab assists you to configure flow exit reason with status code, add description
for easy identification and notification URLs to send out a notification to your desired address.

Flow Results are the outcome of flow. The flow result tags are also node edges of a node, You can custom define(add) flow results to use in a node. These flow results become node events of a node when used in a flow.

Defining Flow Events

  1. Open a Flow.
  2. Click Setting on the top right of the flow canvas.
  3. On the Flow configuration window, click CUSTOME FLOW RESULT
    You will notice some predefined ' Custom Flow Results.' For each flow tag, you can edit the description and Notification URL(optional), For more information refer Custom Flow Results.
  4. To add a custom tag, choose a tag from the drop-down menu.
  5. Enter a corresponding code, description and notification URL.
  6. Click OK to save the custom flow result tag.