This API is used to fetch thread information from a given app.


The user threads request is specified as follows:

Request Headers

The following table describes the request headers:

Request HeaderDescription
secretKeySecret key generated in backend application.

Request Body

The following table describes the elements in the request URL:

appidStringYesApp ID is an application specific ID, which is required to uniquely identify an application.
useridStringYesSpecifies the customer profile to which the device is associated.
startIntegerNoSpecifies the integer value where the record pointer should start in the app threads. A maximum of 100 threads can be returned (if available).

Response Example

{ "code": "0", "description": "success", "count": "1", "total": "1", "threads": [ { "id": "UUID", "type": "conversation", "externalid": "anything text or number", "status": "Active", "title": "Sample title", "category": "Samplecategory", "extras": { "Custom_Param1": "value1", "Custom_Param2": "value1", "Custom_Param3": "value1", "Custom_Param4": "value1", "Custom_Param10": [ "value1", "value2" ] }, "stream_name": "Umesh", "created_on": "2017-05-03T13:11:47.514Z", "updated_on": "2017-05-03T13:11:47.514Z" } ] }
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