This API is used create a customer's profile.


The Create Profile request is specified as follows:

Request Headers

The following table describes the request headers:

Request HeaderDescription
keyClient profile key
##Request Example
  "Records": [
      "customerId": "54321",
      "Attributes": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "msisdn": "911278994640",
        "name": "John"
      "customerId": "54322",
      "Attributes": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "msisdn": "911278994642",
        "name": "Gary"
  "Records": [
      "customerId": "54321",
      "Attributes": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "msisdn": "911278994640",
        "name": "John"

Request Body

The following table describes the elements in the request body:

customerIdStringYesA client specific ID (such as CRN) to uniquely identify a customer.
attributesJSONObjectYesThe attributes that are selected while creating a client from IMIconnect admin.
##Response Example
    "response": {
        "code": "1001",
        "description": "Queued",
        "transid": "5157ee77-53c8-42ac-8c23-ee6e062cae8a"
    "response": {
        "code": "1001",
        "description": "Queued",
        "transid": "5457ee77-53c8-42ac-8a58-ee6e062cae8a"


To know the status of the request

Use transid from the response and make a Get Profile status API call to get status of the request.

Status Codes

This API may return the following response codes:

Response CodeMessageDescription
1000QueuedReturned when the request is queued.
7000invalid JSONReturned when an invalid JSON request is sent.
7001Authentication failedReturned when an invalid service key or profile key is provided in the request.
7002Service Key MissingReturned when the parameter key is missing in the message request.
7003Mandatory parameters missingClick here
7006Internal error occurredReturned when an internal error occurs in IMIconnect.
7010Source IP is not white listedReturned when a request is sent from an IP that is not whitelisted in IMIconnect.
7011Invalid Attribute ValueReturned when an invalid value is provided for the customer or app profile Attributes object.
7012Batch size limit(100) exceededReturned when an API request exceeds the limit to create or update or delete using profile API.
7015customer already existsReturned when a customer or app profile already exists.